Category: Purchase

How to transfer ownership of a property
When you buy a property, your ownership is registered against the title at HM Land Registry. We take a look at how to transfer ownership. Home ownership may change over time as people move, separate or die. It is important to deal with the transfer of legal title correctly to prevent problems in the future....

Five surprising mortgage truths
Mortgage companies are becoming ever more flexible, meaning that whatever your situation there is probably an ideal product for you. Finding a mortgage can be time-consuming and complicated. If you’re struggling to find the right product, consider speaking to an independent financial adviser to obtain some help. We look at some of the situations where...

What to take into consideration when buying a listed building
Many beautiful old buildings are included on a national register as either Grade I, Grade II* or Grade II listed. If you’re thinking of buying a listed building, it is essential that you know exactly what that entails before going ahead. Most listed buildings, around 92 percent, are in the Grade II category, being buildings...

How to keep your garden looking great in winter
An attractive garden can boost the value of your home, but if you’re selling in the winter months it can be hard to show it off. We look at some tips for keeping your outdoor area looking good in the dormant season. When most plants have shed their leaves and nothing much is growing the...

Buying and selling a home at the same time
For many people, buying a new home means simultaneously selling their existing property. We take a look at how the two transactions can be tied together. Often in property transactions, there is a chain of people both buying and selling their homes, all reliant on each other for the transactions to succeed. If you are...

Buying a property as tenants in common
When you buy a property jointly with someone else, you will either own it as joint tenants or as tenants in common. When joint tenants hold a property together, both parties co-own the whole of the property. On sale, each is entitled to half of the proceeds and should one owner die, the other automatically...

What is the difference between exchange of contracts and completion in conveyancing?
The two most important milestones in any conveyancing transaction are the exchange of contracts and completion. We look at the difference between them. When you have an offer on a house accepted, or you accept an offer to buy, the next step is to instruct a solicitor to act on your behalf. They will make...

What happens if my landlord passes away?
If a landlord dies, then the person who takes the role of administering their estate becomes the new landlord. This is known as being an ‘accidental landlord’ When your landlord passes away, you may then have to deal with someone who has never been a landlord before and isn’t familiar with the obligations it entails....

Points to consider when buying a property abroad
Buying a home abroad is a dream for many people, but you should proceed with caution as there can be many pitfalls to avoid. Owning a home overseas can be a great way to escape, as well as somewhere friends and family can enjoy and even a good investment. But you need to do your...